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The Beginning:

1.     Women are never given actual money until they have earned it themselves at the job we help them get.

2.       Women are taken to the grocery store and shown how to by 21 meals, 7 days worth for 3 meals a day breakfast lunch and dinner including snacks and laundry detergent for under $60.00.

3.   Women are checked in and entire course of rules and expectations are explained line item by line item so that there is no excuses for misunderstanding.

4.       Food stamps and Medical Cards are applied for (by us) in the 1st week.

5.       Social Security cards or duplicates are secured from SSA including SEQY forms (wage history).

6.       Transportation will be provide by CART and us for doctor appointments and shopping.

7. The first 6 months will be total education and treatment. Also getting theirselves healthy.

Job Training: Second 6 Months

1.       Women are individually trained with a seminar on what to do, and how and when step by step for getting a job within the 1st business day.

2.       Paper applications are provided for specific jobs and women are guided as to the proper way to fill them out.

3.       On-line applications are secured (by us).

4.    Women are taken to the store and proper attire is purchased for qualifying for employment.

5.       Women are taken out to Career Link and be provided with partners for on line internet marketing programs where they will have a degree.

6.      Women will always have employment within the 7th month.




Womens Only House Meeting: (Mandatory)


Tuesday at 9:30

1.       Building each other up.

2.       Pointing out which individuals are not stepping up (without the worry of owner present).

3.       Senior women teach younger women how things work.

4.       Building each other up.




What Is The Gos.pel?: (Mandatory)


Wednesdays at 6:30pm:

1.       Greg Gilbert's wonderful book that appreciates that "Christians intend to be communicating some message that is good. Beyond that, it's just a jumble. This book is to offer a clear answer to that question, one that is based on what the Bible itself teaches about the gospel." This study is mandatory so that women will be able to confirm or deny biblical truth not conjecture.




CHORES: (Mandatory)


Wednesdays and Sundays:

1.       Chores assigned by monitor and approved by manager.

2.       Direction and supervision on how to properly clean.

3.       Work checked by monitor and approved by manager.




Bible Study: (optional)


Thursday at 8:30

1.       Evangelical (of, or relating to Christians that believe in the sole authority of the gospels) bible teaching.

2.       Taught by other church members

3.       Questions and answers.




House Meeting: (Mandatory)


Fridays 6:00pm

1.       Rent is collected.

2.       They will have a home group and a sponsor and assignments in progress (we direct as to how and who as is MANDATORY 12 step accountability that require all area's are satisfied) accountability sheets with cliff notes are handed in and checked.

3.       Individuals or groups of individuals singled out where improvement is needed.

4.       Meeting given by owner or guest speaker related to the reasons attending New Beginnings

5.       Close with prayer.




Church Services:(optional)


Sunday 9:00am, 10:45am and 6:00pm


 Transportation is provided.

1.       True Bible Based Evangelical (of, or relating to Christians that believe in the sole authority of the gospels) bible teaching.

2.       Worship (singing for Gods pleasure).




Individual Christian Mentor Ship:


Case by Case

1.       True women of God (not weekend service goers) are assigned to individual New Beginnings women who want to know more about the truth (Gods not mans).

2.       There no opinions given or experiences given just Gospel Ministry and Gods revelation.

3.       Women meet with Mentors at various places from the Church, New Beginnings or maybe even coffee for example. Questions are posed as would be about any burdens of the heart and scripture is provided and the true meaning is discussed. Assignment often times are given.




David Howe Jr.


Second Chance For New Beginnings LLC




The Program

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