Second Chance For New Beginnings. Women Only
Outpatient Treatment, Education, Job Training and Referral Agences. Counseling One-On-One and Group, Family Participation and Transition back to a Healthy Life Style of Living. Our staff is dedicated in making you succeed and NEVER return to prison.
The Only True Way To New Beginnings
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Welcome to Second Chance For New Beginnings. We are a Faith
based, Outpatient Treatment for Paroled and Violating Paroled Women and their families.
I have found the way for a cure to all your addictions and will teach the truth in staying out of prison and never using drugs again. Once you complete my program, you will NEVER ever return to prison. We will be like family and always be here for you and your new family.
To address problematic behaviors through experiencing a positive, healthier lifestyle by the understanding what living for God really means. Also which meets the needs of the individual, and the needs of those around them in an environment where honesty is safe to express, and where people share a common concern for one another's best interest.
Here at Second Chance For New Beginnings for women, we have found that willingness, Grace (God giving you the ability to do what was impossible before) is the KEY and with willingness comes action. We provide the perfect platform for the addict, alcoholic and criminal minded to hit the ground running. To re acclimate into society without the additional stresses brought on by "where to go, what to do, and how to do it". With this in mind we provide nothing but the best possible sober living conditions to stop the worship of all temporal things believing they will satisfy (using anything on the outside to make me feel good on the inside) and depend in God who truly satisfies and bears good fruit. Gal 5:22-24 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law. Now those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires.
As GOD, the lighthouse shines a light on dangers that would otherwise be identified. It warns a traveler that they need to look at what is in front of them. Failure to see what the lighthouse illuminates could result in catastrophe. Thls is the message the Therapeutic Community offers. This is the beam of light, which shines across the water. The Therapeutic Community itself is the building, which holds the light
You are the traveler navigating your life across the sea. You can experience the hope, which is found in the message of the Therapeutic Community.
The light is helpful on any given night. Sometimes the light is helpful when the daylight is darkened by a storm. But if no one is on the water during these times, there is no one to benefit from the faithful service the lighthouse provides.
The value of the lighthouse is ultimately defined by its need at any given moment. The fact that darkness exists, in addition to storms, justifies its existence. But the fact that there is a traveler on a dark or stormy sea defines its value.
It is only during times of poor visibility that the traveler benefits from the lighthouse . It is during these dangerous times that the traveler may experience hope, and be grateful for the support of the lighthouse. However, the same traveler may not understand what the lighthouse has endured in order to offer its beacon.
The lighthouse takes a pounding as each wave crashes upon it. Symbolizing persev erance, sacrifice and selflessness. As it endures and the wave turns to foam, the lighthouse symbolizes strength and commitment to its purpose. A determination to elevate the message of hope, to a might be traveler, in the darkness.
There is hope in the lighthouse. It is visible as a result of Letting Insight Generate Healing To Help Ourselves Undersrand Subtle Emotions.
The Therapeutic Outpatient Community, as a method for treatment, offers several advantages over traditional educational approaches. Community members not only learn healthy values, but also are provided the oppornmity to practice them. With developing new attitudes and beliefs, they also develop new behavior and habits, which result in an opportunity to change their character after their release from prison. Since they simultaneously experience the redefining of everything they have previously understood or believed to be true, they must choose to face their fears daily or remain comfortable in the lifestyle they know. Genuine change can only occur when others consistently demonstrate the values of the community so credibly, that the realities of these values illuminate the deepest darkest corners within their mind.
General Purpose of Communities
l. Mutual advantage against outside forces.
Our common enemies are:
1. Addiction.
2. Criminal lifestyle.
2. To achieve common goals more effectivdy.
Our common goals are:
l. Sobriety.
2. Develop and maintain a healthy lifetyle.
Available Treatments